Common words have no esprit-
better use some poetry
free for private purposes
(but NOT in the internet)
Certainly you can remember situations, when you were trying to find the right words, but you couldnt. Maybe you thougt then, you should better prepare before. The sayings, wordings and poems on this site will help you to be fit for many occasions.
Of cause all of our poems rhyme. They wordings and sayings are witty and original. All of them are free for private purposes! You can use the poems for congratulation cards, speeches or toasts.
Ich habe Übersetzungen der Verse ins Deutsche (keine Nachdichtungen) eingefügt (mit dem Mauszeiger aufs Gedicht gehen). I made translations of the poems (not postpoems) to German (hover the mouse over the poem).
Short Love Poem
Although the years will come and go
I hope, that in your heart you know
Forever I will love you true
Im always there to see you through
Author: Horst Winkler
Have confidence in your good skills
Hang on to every dream
Avoid the superficial thrills
They are not what they seem
Make your own goals to reach one day
And if you really try
You can achieve them anyway
We (I) will be standing by
Author: Horst Winkler
a similar poem in German
Dont you think: A confirmand
Is in a real no-mans-land?
No more a child? Already grown?
Dont leave them with their doubts alone
Author: Horst Winkler
a very similar poem in German language
The Harbour of Marriage
The sea of life has different tides
And all the ships on constant rides
Go up and down in ceaseless fight
'cause there are storms and reefs at night
But if by chance and friendly winds
Two ships should meet and there begins
A common trip to reach a goal
A life-long harbour for the soul
Then everywhere you'll hear it said
It's wonderful that they have met
Author: Horst Winkler
Poem in German with the same content as in the poem above
Toast To A Wedding Couple
The lovely happy bride
Is such a pretty sight
She lightens up the room
Beside her is the groom
He stands so proud and tall
There is no doubt at all
That happiness is near
Lets give them both a cheer!
Author: Horst Winkler
German Poem with a very similar content as in the poem above
So lets raise a glass to this wonderful pair
And wish them a lifetime of love, without a care
Their love may grow stronger with each passing day
And evry big trouble shall vanish away
Author: Horst Winkler
For A Golden Anniversary
Your golden anniversary
Is a happy jubilee
And we love to celebrate
All together now this date
Author: Horst Winkler
Modern poem for
50 years married
A golden anniversary
Is similar to a grand prix
Although there was no race with cars
You are the winners now, the stars
You showed the world, what love can be
Congrats to you, respectfully
Author: Horst Winkler
Romantic Poem
Many, many golden mornings
They shall lighten up your live
In the daytime until evening
Only good news shall arrive
May your nights be filled with slumber
And with dreams so soft and nice
About springtime, about summer
And an earthly paradise
Author: Horst Winkler
Congratulation for the
Opening of a Business
My wishs your business shall bloom
And that your revenue will zoom
Sales volumes will be magnified
Your customers are satisfied
And snatch all things out of your hand
Your enterprise- it will be grand
Author: Horst Winkler
Poems to someone, who wants to leave a team
We do not like to let you go
But as it seems you must
cause life is in a constant flow
Who stays too long will rust
We hope, that what you seek, youll find
And everything is fine
Give us a buzz, we will not mind
Or sometimes drop a line
Author: Horst Winkler
There is certain gentleman
Who wants to leave us with the plan
The money, that he saved so long
To squander now, can this be wrong?
We say good luck and let him go
Wed like to keep him, but we know
No ropes so strong to tie someone
Whose minds already on the run
Author: Horst Winkler
Kind poem to say good-bye to a team
Its hard for me to leave this place
And say good-bye to you
The time has come - I have to face
A chapter, which is new
You can be sure: I wont forget
How nice youve been to me
Its really much to my regret
I dont leave you with glee
Author: Horst Winkler
Thank you to a teacher
The years of school went by at last
And they are now part of the past
We thank you for your help so much
You know we needed such a touch
Sometimes a shove to find our way
And after all it was ok
Your efforts made each one for sure
More wise and also more mature
Author: Horst Winkler
Finally you can retire
After many busy years
The well-wishers formed a choir
Hoping they delight your ears
Author: Horst Winkler
Good Wishes for Retirement
No more hard work and instead
Many happy years ahead
May your life be full of ease
Spend your days with joy in peace
Author: Horst Winkler
Retirement brings the golden years
A time to relax without any fears
Finally there is an end to the grind
For now you have left the rat race behind
Gardening, travelling, long lazy days
Cooking, hiking and leisurely ways
The pleasures of life now will truly deploy
What more to say- have fun and enjoy";
Author: Horst Winkler
The Certain Word
Do you know the certain word
That is much too seldom heard
It is shy and tries to hide
Its held back because of pride
But as soon as it appears
And it comes to someones ears
You will see what it can do
How much it will return to you
Author: Horst Winkler
German poems with a similar content